Thomas Dean & Co.

Thomas Dean & Co. Logo
One way to describe what Thomas Dean & Co.™ does is to say simply, they make clothes. Thomas Dean & Co. makes fine shirts. This is true. They also make sport coats and sweaters and pants, among other things. But what Thomas Dean & Co. really does is engage in what might be called the business of life. Their shirts end up on first dates and First Communions. Job interviews and 40th birthday bashes. The sleeve on that fine cotton shirt might be raised in a toast to parents on their 50th wedding anniversary, or under a suit as a father walks his daughter down the aisle. Their trousers have run for taxis and sat in teeny-tiny chairs for that all-important teacher conference.

Ultimately, the brand envisions their customers starring in the movie of their own life. And they are the wardrobe department. respects your privacy. We don't rent or sell your personal information to anyone.